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PREPARING FOR HURRICANE SEASON.. Forest Creek Community, since the late 90's has been subject to many wind events, some stronger than others. During construction phases Builders were asked to eliminate any construction debirs that could become dangerous flying objects. Three areas of the house are historically identified as weak areas that are prone to wind damage, the roof, windows and the largest opening in the house, the garage door. Certainly, if the wind is allowed to enter a house opening, the roof structure could possibly be compromised. Even if wind does not enter the structure, the roof could still sustain damage through the loss of primary roof covering. Identification and resolution of areas that would benefit by additional measures of wind protection can reduce the cost of insurance coverage for high wind damage, as mandated by Florida Law.
Upcoming Events
14 - Flag Day
21 - Father's Day
04 - Independence Day
Remaining BOD Meeting Dates 2020
03 August
05 October(Annual)
02 November(Budget)
Many long-term residents know the history of our access gate; from the whole system replacement, at the time of ‘handover’ to the yearly series of improvements and repairs. The system is old, approximately 18 years. Wiring and electronic circuit cards have suffered age and weather damage and the cost effective repair are replacement of these damaged items. Over the past few weeks the gates have been open to effect wiring repairs and replacement. Within the next week, a circuit board controlling access will be replaced. The cost of which will be in-line with our budget. The replacement will change telephone access from wired to cellular, saving a considerable yearly amount. Keypad access will change and instructions will be mailed to each resident.
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-- Call (321) 608-MPD1 (6731)
for non-emergencies.
-- Call 911 in emergencies.
Florida along with other States is associated with having to deal with on a yearly basis, Hurricane events. In addition to Hurricane Issues, Florida experiences the most lightening strikes of any of the States in the U.S.A. This month some residents experienced direct lightening strikes and corresponding surges that burned out some household devices. Lightening is a huge short circuit searching for an earth ground and it will travel along a house circuit more ...
A guide for the new resident of Forest Creek has been created.
Click here to display the guidelines.
Remotes for Forest Creek can be obtained at the Fairway Office at 1331 Bedford Dr, Suite 103, Melbourne, FL 32940. They are $25 each. The office opens at 9am and they will be open until 5pm except Fridays when they close at 2pm.
New Instructions for keypad gate access. An email shall be sent when the changeover day to use these new instructions is to occur.
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